Exploring East Coulson Swamp: A Chilly Spring Outing with the Orillia Naturalists Club

On a crisp spring evening, eight nature enthusiasts from the Orillia Naturalists Club gathered for our last Sights & Sounds outing to the East Coulson Swamp, a pristine nature reserve protected by the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Although the air was cool and the sky blue, we were eager to explore this unique wetland ecosystem…

Recap: Coldwater River to Matchedash Bay Outing

Five people joined together on an absolutely beautiful Friday morning to paddle the Coldwater River and Matchedash Bay area. Species:  Two racoons in the middle of the marsh Mink Midland Painted Turtle (~35) Sandhill Cranes Great Blue Heron Osprey Canada Geese Leopard Frog Northern Shoveller Muskrat Red-winged BlackBirds Blue-winged Teal Turkey Vultures Double-crested Cormorants Black-capped…