Results of the 2020 Christmas Bird Count

Bald Eagle by Mary Collins

Thanks to everyone who took part in the Christmas Bird Count this year!

We had nine teams, 53 participants plus many feeders reports. All together, teams counted 8,721 birds and 56 species.

In the past five years, here are the count numbers:
2019: 3999, 54 species
2018: 5250, 58 species
2017: 5116, 57 species
2016: 7460, 56 species
2015: 7947, 58 species

We had 12 NEW records:
Trumpeter Swan, 95 individuals – 48 in 2008
Mallard, 1225 individuals – 1200 in 1998
Red-breasted Merganser, 5 individuals – 1 in 2012
Bald Eagle, 15 individuals – 3 in 2001 & 2019
Downy Woodpecker, 86 individuals – 53 in 1999
Hairy Woodpecker, 55 individuals – 50 in 1988
Common Raven, 48 individuals – 39 in 2004
Red-breasted Nuthatch, 28 individuals – 25 in 2018
Brown Creeper, 8 individuals – 6 in 2018
Northern Cardinal, 97 individuals – 47 in 2018
Dark-eyed Junco, 135 individuals – 104 in 2002

There were also species counts that reached previous highs:
Winter Wren, 1 individuals – 1 in 1997 13
Pileated Woodpecker, 10 individuals – 10 in 1999
Herring Gull, 1841 individuals – 1841 in 1986

Hermit Thrush was added to the list this year.

Some teams split up their regions, while others covered the area at a distance. Many received feeder reports which was very helpful. One team sent cards in advance and reminded people to fill their feeders (smart!).

Notable missing species include Mute Swan, American Coot and Iceland Gull, which have fairly consistently been counted. A new species to the list is Hermit Thrush.

We did a recap of the numbers over Zoom this year, and really missed gathering in person and enjoying the potluck dinner. Thanks to Fern Splichal for coordinating the event and teams, and to Tanya Clark for compiling the numbers. Thanks to the team leaders, participants and everyone who submitted their feeder reports.

Featured photo of a Bald Eagle by Mary Collins.

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