Sharon Hancock, a long time member of the Orillia Naturalists’ Club, noted for her dinners, and for her gardening , both at home and at the Hermitage, (a property near her home), has recommended this book to us.
Worried about the planet? Change can start in your own back yard according to Douglas W. Tallamy. This book shows us where
Individual action can really help make up for all the government fails to do. Your backyard can provide the small margin to keep species alive by connecting one green haven to another, to build wildlife corridors that can become ” a home grown national park” Read this book and get started on the new approach to conservation that starts with you and your backyard. Nature’s Best Hope by Douglas W. Tallamy 270 pages, Timber press/Portland Oregon 2019.
This book is available at the Orillia Public Library, both in print and as an audio book.