May 3, 2022 we met in person for our first in person meeting in 2 years. It was a blended meeting with 13 people in person and 17 people attending via Zoom, including our speaker, Megan Bonenfant of the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Megan gave an enthusiastic talk about the Nature Conservancy and about her role in Manitoulin Island and the large Vidal Bay project specifically. We really enjoyed the talk and getting together in person. More on the Vidal Bay project here: https://www.natureconservancy.ca/en/where-we-work/ontario/featured-projects/vidal-bay.html
The pictures were shown from two of our members, Donald Macdonald and Rob Henderson.
Turkeys Yellowleg Smiling Beaver Beaver having lunch Bald Eagle Kingfisher Red fox Otter