The Orillia Naturalists’ Club embarked on a tranquil journey through George Langman Sanctuary, greeted by a cooler breeze at 7 degrees Celsius. Despite a day of rain, fortune smiled upon us as we ventured around the sanctuary without a single drop falling from the sky.
Our senses were treated to a plethora of natural wonders, from the forest floor to the sky above. Among the flora, we marveled at the vibrant hues of wintergreen, three-leaf goldthread, partridgeberry, and the delicate blooms of coltsfoot. The sight of pitcher plants and marsh marigolds added to the tapestry of colors, as well as highbush cranberries.
As we meandered, our ears were serenaded by the melodic chorus of chorus frogs and spring peepers, accompanied by the distinctive calls of red-winged blackbirds and chickadees. Our gaze was drawn upward to the majestic flight of trumpeter swans and the familiar honking of Canada geese passing overhead.
In the company of six fellow nature enthusiasts, the sanctuary revealed its treasures in full bloom, a testament to the resilience and beauty of our natural world even on a miserable rainy day.
We hope you will join us next week for our last Sights & Sounds outing! Location TBD. Make sure you are on our email list to receive updates. Sign up link is on our homepage.