On Wednesday November 1st, Dave Ireland spoke to the Orillia Naturalists’ Club on the topic: Climate change and whale poo. Dave was just as interesting as his topic was intriguing. He grew up in Huntsville and spent many years exploring nearby Algonquin Park, then a stint at the Toronto Zoo. He is now Managing Director…
Category: Meetings
“A Naturalist’s Rambles in India” Oct. 4, 2017
Rufous Treepie on the head of Justin Peter (C) Christine Lengvari. “A NATURALIST’S RAMBLES IN INDIA” OCT. 4, 2017 Justin Peter, a Quest Nature Tours leader, and former Senior Naturalist to many organizations, presented a mosaic picture of nature in India, as seen on his travels. He is uniquely placed to review this subject as…
Spring Trip to Georgian Bay Islands National Park
Spring Trip to Georgian Bay Islands National Park Tuesday, June 6, 2017 and Saturday, June 10, 2017 10:30 – 2:30 Georgian Bay Islands National Park was the destination for 40 members of the Orillia Naturalists’ Club consisting of 2 day trips – June 6 and June 10. We enjoyed the 15 minute ride over to…
AGM - May 3, 2017 Potluck & Stories
The AGM was chaired by Denis Paccagnella, President , who thanked the executive and commented on the excellent activities and speakers we have enjoyed this year. Arni Stinnissen, Vice President gave a summary of the upcoming events. Nominations for the Executive- – the incumbents agreed to stand again this year, Heather Ewing agreed to take over membership…
Golden-winged Warblers by Emily Rondel
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 7:30 p.m. at the Orillia Museum of Art and History Topic: “A golden Opportunist?: the Golden-winged Warbler in Ontario” At the recent meeting of the Orillia Naturalist Club guest Emily Rondel, currently Toronto Project Coordinator of Bird Studies Canada, spoke to the members about her research into the life of the…
Measuring ecological integrity in Bruce Peninsula National Park - March 22, 2017
We welcomed Tricia Stinnissen, who is a Resource Management Officer at Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park, as guest speaker at its March 22 meeting. (She is pictured above with her proud father.) Tricia grew up in Orillia and began working in the conservation field in 2009, where she got her…
March 10/17: Arni Stinnissen led a Facebook training session at Grants Woods . Lots of questions and enthusiasm. Maybe no new converts, but even those that just looked on learned a lot. Thanks Arni. The meeting room at Grant’s Wood ( Couchiching Conservancy) worked well, with lots of electrical outlets.
Georgian Bay Islands National Park - March 5, 2017
Ethan Meleg presented a slide show featuring the Georgian Bay Islands National Park. Ethan is a photographer, naturalist, birdwatcher, and currently a Park Naturalist for that park. Ethan described the Georgian Bay Islands National Park as a 63 island archipelago totaling 13.5 square kilometers, making it the smallest of the National Parks in Canada. The…
Ron Tozer: Algonquin Park before 1950: Birds, Habitats and Observers - Feb. 1, 2017
Sharon and Denis thank Ron Tozer Ron Tozer, an icon of Ontario’s birding community, and an excellent speaker, was at our monthly meeting. He was Park Naturalist for 25 years in Algonquin Park, beginning full time in 1972. An avid birder, he has been keeping records of the arrivals, nesting and departures of all 280…
Orillia Christmas Bird Count 2016
Sue Deadman, scanning the mill pond above Marchmount. For 55 years the Orillia Naturalists’ Club has organized the Orillia Christmas bird count. The results are reported to Bird Studies Canada and become part of the North American records, so trends can be seen. There are about 10 people who have participated in the count for…
“Arizona’s Second Spring – a Naturalist’s Journey into the Monsoon Season”
An animated Lev Frid On Nov. 2, 2016, the Orillia Naturalists’ Club regular monthly program featured Lev Frid, a young Russian-born (but Canadian raised) naturalist, who is extensively traveled, especially through the Americas. Lev has worked every summer for 8 years for the MNR as a park naturalist at Algonquin Provincial Park, and is also…
Guest speaker: Peter Mills -The Quest to Create a Field Guide - Wed Oct. 5, 2016
Craig Barrett, Membership ( the newest member of the executive): Carol Strickland ,secretary: Peter Mills and Arni Stinnissen , Vice President Peter was born and raised in Barrie, and has worked professionally as a naturalist in Algonquin Park over the past 9 years. He has a Biology degree from Trent University. Because of his close…