The group gathers at the north end of Cambrian Rd. What was forecast weather-wise to be a dismal day for the Orillia Field Naturalists’ outing to the Agnew Property turned into a most perfect fall day for a field trip. One can only ask, “Was Ron Reid, our leader, responsible for this?” Ron led our…
Eastern Bluebird Nesting Reports
BLUEBIRD NESTING REPORTS: Leanore Wiancko sends us this report: This was a warm year for birds so none abandoned the nest due to cold and lack of insects. I had 38 Bluebirds fledge. There were a lot (23) of robins that can make a mess of a box, but have as much right to nest.…
Club picnic at Victoria Falls in Queen Elizabeth II Park Sat. August 27, 2016
Victoria Bridge Leader and trip reporter Sue Deadman 24 people woke up to sunny skies, packed their lunch, camera and binoculars and met behind Zehrs at 9:30 a.m. making it the largest turnout for an ONC outing in years. We drove through Washago to Cooper’s Falls and then followed Black River Rd. to our first…
Visiting the Piping Plovers - Wasaga Beach Sunday June 19, 2016
Luxury Viewing A plethora of Plovers What does the future hold for these balls of feathers? Probable female: They share nesting duties Probable male: About 10:30, when we were leaving, the sun was hot and this bird was panting with her mouth open, and hovering over the nest, shading it, and allowing air to circulate.…
The world of ferns with Pat Woodford at Copeland Forest - June 11, 2016
Eagerly starting out The weather forecast was bad – rain, wind, etc. but 10 people turned out for the Fern walk anyway. We met at the 4th Line parking lot. After looking at 2 fern guides – Ferns of Northeastern North America (Peterson Series 2nd Edition) and Ferns of Grey and Bruce, and also some…
Bird Migration Hike - Saturday, May 21, 2016
Arni Stinnissen led a walk looking for spring migrants near Matchedash Bay on the Cowan Trail. 16 members of the club had a very enjoyable hike with terrific weather and an early start at Cowan Trail. It seems as though the delayed spring also affected our numbers as well with only 27 species seen and…
Chimney Swift night - Tuesday May 10, 2016
Bill Sherwood photographed Dave Thompson photographing the Chimney Watchers. We joined Leanore Wiancko and Kay Price to watch the chimney swifts. A few swifts were ( maybe) seen, but none entered the Chimney at the opera house. Why?
Group outing to Rondeau Park - May 7 and 8, 2016
During the migration of 2015, several members of the Orillia Naturalist Club coincidently met each other while birding at Rondeau Provincial Park. Since so many of us liked the less hectic and quieter birding atmosphere that Rondeau provides, the idea of a club get-together during the migration of 2016 was born. Twenty adventurous souls booked…
Orillia Naturalists’ Club AGM and Pot Luck Supper - May 4, 2016
Minutes of the AGM: Although specific attendance was not recorded, the meeting was very well attended, with the 2nd floor room being mostly full. After the initial potluck dinner, the business part of the meeting began at 19:05 with a call to order by Denis Paccagnella. Acceptance of the Minutes of the AGM of 2015…
Sights and sounds of Spring with Muriel Sinclair - Field Trip #4, April 26
Although the weather has been abysmal for all of these walks, at least 10 people have come to them. This shows that people are really wanting to get out and learn about nature. Thanks to Muriel for her long time dedication to our spring enjoyment. The lesson began in the Zehrs parking lot where we…